RSN1032CAGE 10-32 Cage Nut

10-32 Cage Nut
Model# Description Price
RSN1032CAGE-Q50 #10-32 Cage Nuts QTY 50 per bag $25.00 BUY
RSN1032CAGE-Q250 #10-32 Cage Nuts QTY 250 per bag $99.00 BUY
Product ID Description Price Add To Cart
RSN1032S6-Q50 #10-32 Rack Screw QTY 50 per bag $4.00 BUY
RSN1032KIT-Q50 #10-32 Rack Screw and Cage Nuts KIT QTY 50 per bag $33.00 BUY
RSN1224S6-Q50 #12-24 Rack Screw 5/8" Length QTY 50 per bag $7.00 BUY
RSN1224CAGE-Q50 #12-24 Cage Nuts QTY 50 per bag $36.00 BUY
RSN1224KIT-Q50 #12-24 Rack Screw and Cage Nuts Kit QTY 50 per bag $43.00 BUY


RSN1032CAGE is general purpose cage nut use with 10-32 rack screw. It is fully compatible with standard EIA-310 rack cabinet. It features zinc coating which gives it a silver color look. It is available in 50 or 250 packaging.


Zinc plating
SAE 1050 - 1065 spring steel
SAE 1108 or equivalent steel
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Technical Document

Description Download
1 #10-32 CAD Drawing. NA

Application Note

Ideal for Automation, Process Control, Testing Equipment, Clean room, Solar and Wind Energy industry.